5 Tricks To Prevent Paint Fading in Ottawa, Ontario

In the course of making our homes look better, one thing that can be done is to paint — for having a house go from having an old paint job that looks rather unpleasant to a newly painted house that looks substantially better.

Of course, all paint will fade over time — it’s in the very nature of paint — yet there are things we can do to make the paint last longer and not fade nearly as quickly.

Let’s look at five tricks to prevent paint fading in Ottawa, Ontario.

1. UV Resistant Paint

One thing of which you should be mindful in terms of preventing the fading of your paint is that when you are painting the exterior of your home, you should always make use of paint that is UV resistant.

Though some people may not be aware of this, the UV rays that come from the sun have a powerful effect on just about everything they touch including paint — and they tend to make the color of the paint fade over time.

The thing that you can do to help ward this off is to make use of UV resistant paint — but bear in mind that it is only resistant and not as a perfect shield of armor that lasts forever — and indeed the UV resistant properties do lower over time.

2. Reflective Sheens Are Better

In terms of the different kinds of sheen that you can get for painting your home, one of the best sheens you can get if you are looking to keep down the fading is one with a more reflective sheen.

By making use of a reflective sheen in painting your home exterior, you will better protect it from the damaging effects of the sun that will make the color of your paint fade over time.

Though there are many sheens from which you can choose, the reflective sheen is better for this purpose.

3. Higher Quality Paint

Another excellent thing that you can do for yourself in order to protect the possibility of having fading paint is to choose higher quality paint both for the exterior and interior of your home.

The problem with using many paints that are not quite so high in quality is that the ingredients that go into them that cause them to cost that much less than the higher quality paints are precisely what causes them to fade faster.

Though you save money upfront, you lose money overall because you are going to have to paint sooner (unless you aren’t bothered by the appearance of paint that is faded, that is!)

4. Neutral Tones

A seemingly simple way to get your paint to fade less is to make the choice to use colors that are more neutral in tone.

The thing with brighter colors is that they are great of course especially if you prefer them, but they tend to fade more easily and readily than those that are more neutral.

So the trade-off is that you will have a color that is neutral, but you will have a color that lasts longer without fading.

5. More Than One Coat

Lastly, think about how you apply paint to your paint jobs — and how many coats of paint that you use for said painting projects.

If, for example, you choose to only use one coat of paint you might achieve the look that you want, but it’s almost certain that the color will fade significantly faster if you make use of more than one coat.

If you need help painting a remote work office in your home in Ottawa, Ontario, our team at Millers’ Painting Company can help.

We offer free paint consultancy alongside high-quality residential and commercial painting services in Kanata, Nepean, Barrhaven, and Westboro areas of Ottawa, Ontario.

To get started with us, book a FREE estimate or call us on 613-979-5435

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