Accent Wall Painting Tips For Your Dining Room in Kanata, Ontario.

Your dining room is one of the nicer rooms in your whole home, and when you want to improve upon the look of it there are a number of things that you can do.

While some people might opt for painting all of the walls of their home, some will choose to take on just one of the walls of the room and make it a so-called accent wall, which is a wall that’s distinguished from the other walls in the room in some meaningful way – it could be a different color or colors, for example.

When you want to make a good accent wall by painting, there are a number of things that you can do to improve upon how the end product – and we will look at some of these things today.

Let’s now review some accent wall painting tips for your dining room in Kanata, Ontario.

1. Use A Color Or Colors That Are Different Enough From The Other Walls

One thing that you’re absolutely going to want to do when you’re looking at painting an accent wall for your dining room is to make sure that when you choose the color or colors, they are different enough from the other walls that they truly make for an accent wall.

Of course, your taste is going to be ultimately the real defining factor in what looks good in your dining room and if you think that your green walls look really good with an accent wall that is a little bit off the green, that’s great for you — but you may want to know that it’s not exactly much of a stretch to what one would refer to as an accent wall.

Traditionally if you have green walls, to continue with our example, you would be well off having an accent wall that would have a color or colors that contrast with green, not colors that are almost exactly the same as green.

2. Clean The Wall Before You Paint

Though of course, you might know that it’s a good idea to have clean walls before you paint them in a traditional dining room wall painting project, did you know that this holds true even when you’re only painting an accent wall?

The reason that it’s going to be so important for you to clean the wall is that you can’t just simply paint over top your wall if it’s not ready and one of the most important steps in getting it ready is to fully clean the surface and then allow for it to dry.

If you can just stretch out your imagination and try to think what it would look like if you were to try to paint a surface that is covered in a fine amount of dust and grime and then think about how bad that would look.

3. Allow Surfaces To Fully Dry

Though we briefly touched upon this topic, it’s well worth looking at it in more detail.

There are many occasions during the course of the process of painting your accent wall that is going to have the wall be wet or moist in some capacity.

When you find that the surfaces are in this state, you should know that you aren’t going to be able to move on to the next step in the painting project… until the surface has fully dried.

If you do not do this, you are going to face some fairly substantial painting problems later on that will nearly always necessitate making corrections.

At Millers Painting, we offer free paint consultancy alongside high-quality residential and commercial painting services in Kanata, Nepean, Barrhaven, and Westboro areas of Ottawa, Ontario. To get started with us, book a FREE estimate or call us on 613-979-5435

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