Kitchen Ceiling Painting Tips in Ottawa, Ontario

In looking to get your kitchen to look better, you might think of how you can paint the room but sometimes you won’t even think of painting one of the most important surfaces in the room – the ceiling.

Of course, in getting your ceiling properly painted, you’re going to want to be aware of certain things that are going to help you with the process of getting it done.

With this kind of information on hand, you will be sure to end up with a ceiling in your kitchen that looks that much nicer – for a good price, too.

Let’s have a look at some kitchen ceiling painting tips in Ottawa, Ontario.

1. Using The Right Color Does Not Have To Mean White

One thing that you’re going to want to bear in mind when you’re looking to paint your ceiling in the kitchen is that you have many options available to you as far as color goes, and that white is not the only one.

There are in fact quite a few colors available to you, and the essential thing that you have to bear in mind is not whether or not the color is white but rather how the color or colors you ultimately choose are going to look with the other things that you have in the kitchen – the furniture as well as how the colors will look with the color or colors of your wall.

2. Clean Before You Paint

You might be of the opinion that if you are going to be painting your ceiling anyhow, there’s not going to be any need for you to clean first because the paint is going to cover up anything that might be there.

You might want to know that this is not going to be all the case and that if you paint your ceiling without first properly cleaning it, all you’re going to end up getting is a ceiling that looks like a dirty surface with paint covering it over.

The best thing that you’re going to be able to do to get your best looking ceiling is to first fully clean the surface of your ceiling and then ensure that it has fully dried before moving on to the next step in the painting process.

3. Remove What You Can

Though of course, you may find that there are some things that are just about impossible to remove, it will be a good idea if you make sure to remove as much as possible from the room.

There are a couple of key reasons that you’re going to want to do this, starting with the fact that by removing the things from your kitchen, you will remove the possibility that you will trip over these very things during the painting process — the table, for example, can be quite large and it makes it a lot more difficult to properly place down your ladder if you have it in the way.,

Moreover, you will find that it’s quite a bit easier to avoid getting paint on your furniture if you have fully removed it from the room.

For the furniture that is just too difficult to get out of the room, make sure that you have moved it as far away from the wall as possible and then also cover it with a good tarp or drop cloth – this will help make sure that you don’t get paint on the furniture.

4. Allow Your Surfaces To Dry

Lastly, remember that as stated above you will have to allow your surfaces to dry but it should be restated because there are going to be other steps in the painting process that will involve said surfaces getting moist – specifically when you are applying a coat of primer as well as each of the coats of paint that will go on the ceiling.

When you sand your ceiling as well, you will likely be cleaning it afterward and if you make use of water to remove the sanding dust, it’s good to allow the surfaces to fully dry before moving on.

This is because doing things like painting over a moist surface can cause all kinds of painting problems to occur later on – and the best way to avoid them is to allow the surfaces to always fully dry.

At Millers Painting, we offer free paint consultancy alongside high-quality residential and commercial painting services in Kanata, Nepean, Barrhaven, and Westboro areas of Ottawa, Ontario. To get started with us, book a FREE estimate or call us on 613-979-5435

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