How to oil and take care of your teak furniture in Ottawa, Ontario

If your furniture and woodwork in Ottawa, Ontario is made from teak wood, understanding how to maintain it can improve its performance and durability.

Teak is one of the most durable woods in existence and does not require any special treatment to maintain its strength. It’s a commonly used material for decks, porches as well as indoor and outdoor patio furniture.

However, if you don’t treat it, the teak furniture will lighten and turn light brown before taking on a silver-gray appearance.

By regularly oiling your teak furniture in Ottawa, Ontario, you ensure that it retains its original dark brown color.
And here is how to go about it.

Oiling Teak Furniture

By applying oil to the teak wood, you allow it to maintain its shiny, brown appearance and you could make scuff marks and other damage less visible.

However, once oiled, the furniture could become dependent on oil, at least once every three months, to keep its appearance.

Pro Tip: manufacturers of teak furniture strongly recommend avoiding oil on outdoor furniture or on furniture exposed to humid environments because of the risk of developing mildew.

Prepare your Work Area

Place a towel or newspaper under the teak furniture to prevent oil splatters from getting on the floor.
Put on gloves to avoid getting oil on your hands as this may cause skin irritation. Although most teak oils are not really toxic, prolonged exposure could cause health problems, so it is best to apply the oil in a well-ventilated area.
Keep teak oil away from heat sources, as it is flammable.

Clean the Furniture

If you clean your furniture regularly, just remove the dust. If the furniture looks dirty, sticky or covered with stains, wash it with soap and water or use a special teak cleaner.

Pro Tip: Let the furniture dry for 2 to 3 hours after cleaning so that no traces of moisture remain before applying the oil. Even if the moisture on the surface has dried, the moisture just below the surface could be trapped by the oil, which could change the color and longevity of the wood

Choose the Oil

The teak oil products used for this purpose are not made from teak and their composition may vary from brand to brand.
Some of the most common ingredients often include Chinese wood oil and flaxseed oil.

Teak oil is often artificially colored or tinted, so you must read the label correctly before buying anything.

Apply the Teak oil

Cover the teak with regular brush strokes using a wide brush.
Continue to apply the oil until the furniture has a matte appearance and can no longer absorb it.

Allow time for the oil to penetrate the wood. You might notice that the oil on the surface of the wood takes on a tacky consistency as the wood below absorbs it.
Once this happens or after 15 minutes, wipe the furniture with a clean piece of cloth, removing the excess oil.

Clean Up Any Oil Spatters

Moisten a clean cloth with mineral oil to remove excess oil and splashes.
Teak oil could stain other furniture and the floor if you don’t get it out immediately.

Apply oil regularly.

Reapply oil weekly or monthly, whenever the color or shine fades. You could apply an additional coat to darken the color, but do not apply a new coat until the previous one is completely dry.

The Bottom Line

Oiling and taking care of your teak furniture is a relatively easy task if you’re committed to maintaining its beautiful appearance.

However, if your teak furniture is starting to look old and discolored, you might need to have it stained or refinished, and that’s where Millers Painting comes in.

We offer high-quality interior painting, staining and refinishing services in Kanata, Nepean, Barrhaven and Westboro areas of Ottawa, Ontario.

To give a try, book a FREE estimate or call us on 613-979-5435.